The perpetrators obtain personal data via text messages and deceptively genuine-looking bank websites.
A group of criminals operating throughout Austria is believed to have tricked several men and women with “phishing traps” at the beginning of January.
One of them is a 36-year-old woman from southeastern Styria. On 7 January, she reported that she had been lured to a deceptively real-looking bank website via text message and entered personal data using a QR code. The police said on Friday that money was then withdrawn from her account in Vienna.
It turned out that the Styrian woman was probably not the only victim of this group of fraudsters: Similar cases have also been reported in Vienna, Upper Austria, and Salzburg. According to the investigators, there could be a connection. It is assumed that there could be other cases in Austria. The search for the suspects is now underway using images from surveillance cameras of the ATMs where money was withdrawn from the victims.
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